The most important places to clean when your holiday guests have left

The most important places to clean when your holiday guests have left
Cleaning when you have visitors is not easy to do so, chances are you will have a lot of dirt and leftovers to deal with once all your guests have left. As always, some places attract more dirt than others and as such, they require special attention. In this article, I will be pointing out those places and giving you handy tips to clean them up effectively:
The kitchen
It goes without saying that kitchens are extra busy during the holidays. Whether it’s people preparing meals or just hanging out and having some drinks, the kitchen tends to pick up a lot of dirt during busy times. As such, it’s important to disinfect and wash all of your countertops and surfaces with a gentle cleaner once people have left. Take care to sweep the floors and store any leftovers in fridge-safe containers if they are not spoiled.
Every area that is considered high-touch
Many domestic cleaning experts consider areas such as doorknobs, handles, tables, TV remotes, and light switches to be high-touch surfaces. What this means is that they more are likely to come in touch with people’s hands than on any other surface in your home. Because of this, it is recommended that you wipe down and disinfect these areas thoroughly as soon as people leave your home.
Bathrooms and toilets
Second to the kitchen when it comes to high volumes of people, bathrooms and toilets can get incredibly dirty during the holidays. When you add to this the fact that not everyone practices good hygiene, these areas quickly become breeding grounds for germs and future mold breakouts. I recommend, washing every shower, tub, floor, sink, mirror, and toilet seat thoroughly with soapy water before spraying and wiping them down with disinfectant.
Cleaning your home after the holidays is very important to help you get rid of all germs and dirt that are left behind once people have left. Overall, I recommend doing a thorough deep clean for the best results and if you can afford it, you can hire a professional cleaning service to do a thorough clean-up.