Regular Domestic Cleaning Guide: Farmhouse Edition

Regular Domestic Cleaning Guide: Farmhouse Edition
Recently, many people have been investing in farmland and moving out to the countryside. Not only does this offer them more space but, the countryside is great for people looking to escape the pollution and noise of busy cities. That being said, trading an apartment for a farmhouse means you have a lot more cleaning to do and if you’re not used to it, it can be very challenging. If you are one of those people struggling to keep your farmhouse clean, here are some changes you can make to help you out:
Keep it simple
At the end of the day, cleaning a farmhouse is not that different from regular domestic cleaning. This is your home after all and you should try and keep your routine as simple as it would be if you were cleaning a suburban home. In general, you mostly just need to clean your floors, vacuum, scrub the bathrooms and do all the other domestic cleaning chores that you usually do.
Take the time to dust thoroughly
One major difference between living in an apartment and living in a farmhouse is that you will probably have more dust buildup. In this case, it’s a good idea to purchase something more powerful than a regular feather duster. I recommend a strong vacuum cleaner with a good filter that can trap dust particles as you clean. In addition to this, invest in a good air purifier that can clean the dust and allergens in the air to keep it fresh. When you’re done vacuuming, you can also spray a diluted vinegar solution to kill dust mites.
Create a specific mud space
Farms are muddy and it’s inevitable that mud will come into your house at some point. A great solution for this is to find a specific space in your house or garage where people can come through and leave their muddy shoes. It’s better for everyone to walk barefoot than to spend extra time clearing mud throughout your house. Another handy solution is to wear crocs or flip-flops which can be hosed down before entering the house.
Consider calling in a professional to help
For those who can’t seem to manage the stress of cleaning a farmhouse, you can always hire professional domestic cleaning services to handle the job. Just take the time to research which domestic cleaners in London offer farmhouse cleaning services.