How to handle difficult clients and maintain a good reputation for your cleaning service

How to handle difficult clients and maintain a good reputation for your cleaning service
How to handle difficult clients and maintain a good reputation for your cleaning service
Maintain a healthy and positive relationship with clients is an integral part of running any successful business. Cleaning service businesses are no exception to this rule. Unfortunately, some clients are difficult and regardless of how well you manage your local cleaning services, they seem to never be satisfied. A difficult client can hinder your progress and ultimately, cost you valuable time and money. They can also tarnish your reputation and make it harder for potential clients to invest in your business. Below, I’ve compiled a list of a few handy tips you can use to help you effectively manage difficult clients without ruining your business in the process:
1- Vet potential clients thoroughly
From unprofessional and unplanned bookings to regular complaints on social media, difficult clients are bound to leave a trace of their behaviour. Before accepting any work, be it domestic cleaning or even an extensive office cleaning gig, do as much research as possible on your potential clients. If a client seems rude, short-tempered or confused about what exactly they want, it’s best to avoid working with them or at most, to be fully prepared for their problematic behaviour.
2-Pay attention to your tone and that of your employees
At the end of the day, difficult clients are better than no clients at all. While their tantrums and endless demands are frustrating, you cannot, as a professional service, engage in verbal altercations with clients. The last thing you want is to be labelled unprofessional or caught on social media, shouting at customers. When you notice a customer losing their cool, remain as calm as possible and if they become violent, call security to handle the situation. If you have any employees who are also short-tempered, offer anger management courses or relieve them of their duties completely.
3- Record all important information
From keeping receipts to writing down all of their requested services, documenting your interactions with clients is a good way of ensuring that they can never get away with accusing of something you did not do. It will also come in handy should you ever face legal action.
Difficult clients are never fun to work with and while the above tips are helpful for managing them, you can always part ways with troublesome clients if their problematic behaviour ensues. This is your cleaning service after all.